Sunday, November 18, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am beyond blessed and so very thankful for many things this year! Thanks to God for His love and grace in my life! Life brings ups & downs, but God has been such a Rock and Healer to me.  I am so thankful for my amazing husband!  He is such a huge support and encouragement to me and brings so much joy to my life.  I am thankful for family and friends, laughter, and deep conversations.  

In my photography journey, I am so extremely thankful for my husband, family, and friends who have expressed so much support and encouragement along the way.  You all keep me growing....keep me inspired....and keep me pressing onward! This journey has been so much more than just taking's been a special part of healing in my life.   

I've noticed we, as humans, have a hard time of not complaining and being thankful for all that God has done for us.  We get so wrapped up in our daily routine, desire of "things" and our human expectations on life and others.  We tend to lose sight of what's truly important.  

May we all slow down, love more deeply, cherish life & loved ones, talk to God more, live more passionately, and remember that every breath we take is a beautiful gift from above.

Happy Thanksgiving! 

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