Saturday, October 5, 2013

Dreams & Blessings

This image was taken with my iphone.

Is there a dream on your heart that has not come to fruition? We often have our own expectations of how that dream should come about. Many times as we set aside our own expectations, God reveals that HIS plan for that dream on our heart is beyond our wildest expectations and it may stretch us to live beyond ourself to give more to the world that He has entrusted us with. I personally know that it's a tough journey. But as we trust more in God, we realize that there is way more joy and beauty in His plan than there ever could be in our own plan.

"so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11

Maybe there's a dream we're not waiting for anymore. We were blessed in abundance! Are we willing to step out of our comfort zone when God asks more of us within the realm of that blessing?

"When someone has been given much, much will be required in return; and when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required." Luke 12:48

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Be The Voice

It wasn't just a camera....

The camera that my friend gave to me over a year ago was a gift beyond what I would imagine. As I started a journey in photography, I prayed that every "click" would bring glory to God.  I had no idea it would bring me to this place. 

My heart is heavy for oppressed children all around the world, especially children that are being sold into slavery through human trafficking.  When I prayed to God asking how I could help, He said GIVE. Give to organizations that seek to prevent, rescue, and restore these beautiful lives.  When I knew my husband and I didn't have the finances, I asked God how I could raise the money to give.  That is when he laid on my heart to start the Portraits of LOVE fundraiser.

I had the opportunity to do many photo shoots with friends of mine...and I still have more to do this fall!  I am so thankful to all the families that supported this fundraiser!  These are some of the children from the photo shoots. Every penny from the fundraiser will go to organizations that fight against human trafficking.  

This summer my heart was heavy again and I knew there was something more that God wanted me to do to fight against this injustice.  As I prayed to God, He told me to start a ministry in the community that brings awareness to human trafficking and empowers others to be a voice of hope. 

So Be The Voice was started.  I will be launching it officially in January, but I am preparing and promoting during these next few months. You can find us on facebook Be The Voice and on Twitter @BeTheVoice30

So you see, it wasn't just a camera. It was a tool that God used to stir my heart for a greater cause.  It was a tool that will bring hope and restoration to many precious lives.

God wants to stretch us beyond ourselves to build His kingdom.  Don't underestimate the resources that He has put before you.  "Together, change can happen...together, hope will rise." 

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Season of Refreshing

I absolutely love the Spring season!  Sunshine, fresh air, windows open, birds chirping, green grass, flowers blooming, new animals being born, and a sign that warmer weather is on it's way.  

This season refreshes my spirit like no other.  Yes, it reminds me how God is growing me and changing me.  One of my favorite verses says it all..."See, I am doing a new thing!  Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?  I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland." Isaiah 43:19

But it's so much more than the new things He is doing in and through my life.  Yes, that's a very beautiful thing to be a part be a part of His divine plan.  It's about my heart and soul being refreshed simply because HE IS GOD.  

Because as my eyes see the colors appearing from the earth, precious life being born from His creation, hearing the sound of birds giving praise to their Maker, feeling the fresh breeze of wind on my face, and smelling the sweet aroma of blossoms in the rain......

...all these things remind me that through the joys and through the tears of life....I am in awe of who He is as my Creator.  I choose to praise Him not based on how my life is going, but simply because HE IS GOD.  When I acknowledge who He is and all that I am is because of Him... is then that I am refreshed with His joy.
"Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!" Psalm 8:1

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Portraits of LOVE

I will be doing a fundraiser this year to raise money for a few organizations that help orphans and help fight against human trafficking (mainly sex trafficking).  It's so awesome to look back from my first post on this blog about getting started with my photography journey and how I wanted it all to bring honor to God. 

There are over 153 million orphans worldwide.

There are over 27 million people worldwide in bondage from human trafficking.  

My heart has been heavily burdened by these statistics.  I asked God how He wanted me to help.  I really wanted to help on-hands with an organization that is working for these two causes. I would adopt a child this very second if I could, but due to finances....I wait for God's perfect timing.  God said, "I want you to give. For now, I want you to give to support these ministries."  

He showed me how I can use my photography to raise money to support these three organizations:

Show Hope

Project Rescue

Starfish Project

I encourage you to check out these websites to learn more about each ministry!  I will be doing photo shoots this year, and every single penny will go to support these three organizations.  

God's been challenging me to live beyond myself. My heart says, "I want to save the world!" Maybe He has something bigger in store for me to do down the road, but for now, God tells me to be a voice and to give.  It's not always about WHAT we do or HOW BIG we do's about how OBEDIENT we are to what God asks of us.  

Please keep the "Portraits of LOVE" fundraiser in your prayers this year and please continue to pray for all the orphans and many lives that are victims of slavery.  Ask God how He would have you help with these causes.