Tuesday, September 18, 2012

White Balance

White balance can extremely change the feel of your photo.  I learned this the hard way as I forgot to put it on the correct setting when we were at the beach over Labor Day weekend.  I had it on the Incandescent setting from earlier when I was experimenting with shots inside our home.  I took these shots and it was too bright outside to notice the coloring on the screen. After we drove away is when I found out my beach shots were all BLUE!!!

Thankfully, we have the amazing technology through photo editing that I could change the white balance accordingly. So I am now a happy girl because my beach shots have a normal hue to them! Ha ha! :)

Letting More Light In

This photo might not look like much, but it represents a lot to me.  We were in Philly with some friends on Sunday to see the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit at the Franklin Institute.  After the exhibit, we walked outside to go to our car. However, we got distracted and started shooting & experimenting.

I was already used to shooting in shutter speed mode and aperture mode, but this was my first day of shooting completely in manual mode, where you set everything individually.  When I first started taking this shot, it was very blurry and extremely dark (because it was very dark outside).  I played around with the ISO and shutter speed and it still wouldn't work. I showed my husband and asked him what else I should do. He asked me if my aperture was set low. Thinking my aperture was already low, I looked and saw that it was set pretty high. Silly me!!! I put my aperture on the lowest setting, and voila!....this is the shot that I got. 

This reminds me of my relationship with God.  Lowering the aperture setting on a camera allows more light to the image sensor, which in this situation created a beautiful picture instead of a blurry mess.  There are things in my life (pride, fear, insecurity, etc.) that I need to lower to allow God's light into my heart and mind, so that He can continue to grow me as His beautiful masterpiece.